Monday, May 25, 2009

Working Out

Man am I getting flabby. All those months of playing SFIV at home and not getting any exercise has taken its toll on me I guess. So I've decided to start working out, restart my sporting activities and to eat less. I work out at home for about 30-60 min a day which is good. Plan to start playing futsal and badminton with my colleagues when I can, really have put that off for a long time. Eating less ties in with spending less which I really need to do... I haven't saved anything last month and probably won't this month either. Results expected by the end of next month at least if I keep this up which is a good thing.

Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Finished RE:CV yesterday after replaying it twice. Gameplay is good but compared with RE4 and RE5, it pales in comparison. Still entertaining though and a challenge if you've never played the old REs before. If you have, this game is a synch; ammo problems? I ended the game with like enough ammo to take down 100 zombies and the end boss. That and the fact you can run away from every boss except 1 (2 to be exact but its really the same guy). Item management is the difficult part especially since you switch between Chris and Claire without warning but that's really a small part of the game. Voice acting and the script were kinda lame but then again RE was built on bad cliches and funny acting right? Everything you love but the original RE series, but then again that was like a decade ago.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ugh 5 months down the line now and I'm still feeling it. Time heals all wounds but the actual specification of "time" here didn't really state how long a time-frame is needed here... Well with my daily 'hate' therapy I'm sure I'll pull through some how, don't you worry.

No new games

Nope, haven't started any new games in a while. Been busy with gambling, SFIV and other things which has prevented me from finishing any of the games I really want to play like Dawn of War II. I guess I'll start on finishing games again soon, maybe RE: Code Veronica... I miss the old RE style of gameplay.

Oh yeah, I've actually started working on a "How to play Abel" blog. I'm no expert at using Abel, I just needed a place for me to put down my thoughts on how to beat ppl when I actually learn sth new to do so. Disclaimer: read at your own risk (of losing).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

CoH: Opposing Fronts & Championship Mode

Finally finished CoH:OF, seemed to take me ages since I was juggling sf4 in the background as well. The game deviates slightly from the original CoH in terms of units but apart from that, it remains exactly like the original (capture supply points, kill base, etc.). Nothing much to shout about but a enjoyable game nonetheless. 7/10.

Championship mode came out recently, been playing it and posting some replays online. I have some rants/compliments for it tho:

1. Losing doesn't lose you points, where else winning often would put you in the better player pools more quickly
2. Replay option is a really good feature, its fun just to watch matches sometimes (especially the better ones)
3. Disconnect ratio feature is a real deterrent to quitters; I basically don't play with anyone with a disconnect of more than 2%

1. Replay feature only lets you upload replays if you meet certain requirements, and only for the finals. They should let you save the replay in your HDD anyway, and for all the matches (maybe seperate the 2)

Can't see that many cons but I'm sure there are a few more, just can't think what they are right now. Anyway I said I would post replays of matches and all but I think i'm too lazy to do that. What I will do is make the site for Abel vs xxx match-up tips, to help the ailing Abel players (which I don't think there are many anyway). If I have time anyway.

Oh btw, I don't know if you got my sms, but.. Happy Birthday.