Friday, January 2, 2009

S.T.A.L.K.E.R & some "unexpected" news

Just finished stalker at 3a.m in the morning after getting stuck at one part in the game for like over a day or 2. The game is... really meh. Its an FPS trying to be an RPG-wannabe but failing at both. Plot and story progression is poor, with much left unexplained until the very end and even then you're not too sure. The endings are even more confusing and ambiguous, giving me much pain to say that this was not the game I had hoped it would be. 4/10.

Met up with a... friend... of mine today. She mentioned breaking it off but I could sense a sort of regret and pain when she said it. I want her to be happy more than anything so seeing her like that and being unable to do anything for her made me feel so helpless. Also made me realise some other things that got me thinking.

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