Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CFA Classes Begin...

I've taken up Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) classes recently, taking up 6 hrs each week. 2 reasons why I took this course: one, it fits my job scope which involves some financial analysis and statistics. Two, its completely free and paid for by my company without any bondage required. The first part of the course costs a whopping 8,000; who the heck has that kind of money unless you're a CEO or sth? Its crazy shit... and there are 3 courses in order to gain the full cert so that's like 24,000 down the drain. Plus you have to pay a set fee each year to retain the cert. Sigh... its true what they say; you need money to get more money.

Thus begins the 2nd half of the year 2009. Its all going fine so far... but as the days go by my mind starts to wander to one particular thing. The feelings came slowly at first but now its starting to return in full force. I'm not sure if I can take it even now. What am I going to do when it finally comes? I have no idea what-so-ever... though if I can't bear it even now, then what the heck's going to happen to me when the time comes?

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