Sunday, January 27, 2008

Me and my Xbox360

It was pretty much on a whim that I decided to go get an Xbox360. I was deciding between the Wii and the 360 but went with the 360 in the end. One of the reasons was because I think the quality of the games on the 360 is much better but the real reason is that Devil May Cry 4 is being released on it soon.

My Xbox360 in all its glory

I only got a couple of games, Halo3 and Forza came free with the Xbox and I got Gears and Mass Effect for 50 quid. I've been taking my time playing the games since they cost so much, though I finished Gears of War in like 2 days on hardcore. Right now I'm working my way through Halo 3 and I hope I don't finish it too soon. Can't afford to get any more new games at the moment. I'm planning to get Xbox Live when I go back home so that I don't get any more distracted than I already am. I really need to get some work done and some how I don't think getting an Xbox is helping too much.

The (few) games I got


Carlyn Lim said...

WHAT you fell for the dark side!

Onikari said...

Lol guess I did... will try not to fall too far to the dark side

Unknown said...

ok i totally thought u were updating this and in the future too, then i realised its 2009 and ur outdated