Monday, February 23, 2009

Work & Apologies

Got back from work real late today, about close to 10 or so. Really pressed for time as the high ups need to check on it b4 the results go out this Thursday. Top that off with some stupid factless news in the Star and you've a hell of a day. Will need to go in early tomorrow as well, and with my sleeping problems its going to be another longgg day... Bottomline is, I shouldn't be able to get any games done this week. But knowing me, I think I'll be finishing one real soon.

I need to apologise for any wrong I've done to the people I love and who support me in my everyday life, I know you deserve more from me but I can't help it. People can't help hurting other people in the process, its just the way life is. And when you get someone like me who can't stand hurting others, well, there's only one way it can go. Sorry.

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